This is the new blog. Certain fundamental changes have been made. Certain fundamental changes will be made over a longer term horizon. Some are immediately apparent, some will become apparent when you spend more time loitering around here. Why you'd want to do that, though, stumps me.
Anyway, here's the heads up:
1. The layout is significantly cleaner than the previous cluttered page that you were welcomed to.
2. Gone are the incredibly colourful pages. The purity, innocence and professionalism of white (!) is in. Peace, and all that jazz. (Sheeba thinks that's a lot of marketing BS, but she stares at white reports all day, so I can see where her intense hatred for anything white - and professional - comes from).
3. On a broad level, the design, fonts and colours are representative of the changes that have occurred in me over the last three years. I will skip a detailed explanation as it will delve into pseudopsychological metaphysics, and will most definitely be painfully long...
4. ...posts here this point onward will be shorter, crisper and more frequent. We will talk about many things that don't matter too much to a lot of people. We'll also not go through 21 drafts and 32 version changes (after running it through 64 friends) before posting here. It's going to be singularly straight from the heart.
5. The links in the right panel have now been updated. There are a few IIMK related websites, as well as a whole host of bloggers from IIMK - it was wonderful discovering that in addition to the legendary Shrikanths and RGs who are mild celebrities in the Indian blogosphere, there's also a Hitesh Sharma who posts his inimitable stories for us lesser mortals.
6. There's also a new RSS subscription link that you can use to add the blog feed URL to an RSS reader (I recommend Google Reader, but more on that later). Considering that there's going to be a lot more activity here than this URL has seen for a while, it pays (me) to be up to speed at all times.
7. The biggest change is in the name, though. Jumbling Jaggernaut is now Jabbering Jaggernaut. I didn't have enough convincing reasons when I named it that way three years back. And I don't have enough convincing reasons now. So we'll let it rest. Though I think it comes from an intense desire to create an intelligent alliteration - and 'J' is severely constrained for appropriate adjectives.
Before we violate point 4 (if we haven't already, that is), zooga zooka.
PS - That's 'See you around!' (in some African language)
PPS - Suggestions on anything are welcome. New features, new bots, widgets, anything. I'm just spewing jargon - I don't know what these things mean. No, really.
PPPS - Not used to writing short posts, hence the flurry of Post Scripts.
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